Prof. Dr. Manfred J. Holler
Wissenschaftlicher Beirat
Ing. JUDr. Dušan TŘÍSKA
Klimentská 22
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
Telefon: (+420) 728 671 197
E-Mail: dtriska [at]
Current Position
- 10/2005 – today: Department of Economics, University of Economics (VSE), Prague, Czech Republic
- 01/1993 -today: Chairman of the Supervisory Board, FSP a.s., Prague, Czech Republic
Past Positions:
- 03/2003 – 03/2013: Member of an Advisory board of Vaclav Klaus, the President of the Czech Republic
- 12/1989 – 11/1997: Advisor and Deputy minister to Vaclav Klaus as Minister of Finance of, Czechoslovakia and Prime minister of the Czech republic
- 01/1976 – 12/1989: Research fellow, Institute of Economics, Czechoslovak Academy of sciences
- 10/1974 – 12/1976: Research fellow, Institute of Public Administration
- CSc. (Ph.D., economics, 1985), Czechoslovak Academy of sciences, Prague, Czech republic
- JUDr. (Law, 1973), Charles University, Prague, Czech republic
- Ing. (Nuclear Physics, 1968), Czech Institute of Technology, Prague, Czech republic
Social skills:
- Currently DT contributes to various activities focused on the unification of Korean peninsula and hence Transformation of DPRK.
- DT served in various short-time advisory teams of the FNF, World Bank, US AID, … in a number of “emerging” countries such as North Korea (2004 and 2005), Former Yugoslavia (1990 – 1998), China (1996), Belarus (1996), Bulgaria (1993 – 1995), Latvia (June 1994), Kazakhstan (August 1993).
Organizational skills:
- In his position at the Ministry of finance DT was, among others, an executive manager of the nation-wide process of voucher privatization. Later he established and as a project director managed the follow-up trading systems called SCP and RMS. Later on, DT established an FSP company specialized on designing and implementing large IT-systems.
- In the 80s he established a course of microeconomics within Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences many of whose graduates later joined the new Czechoslovak and Czech government and Central bank.
Selected Academic Publications, Books:
- Úvod do mikroekonomické analýzy, Ekonomický ústav ČSAV, Praha 1986; Karlova universita 1991. (With J. Hlaváček.)
- Optimal Decisions in Markets and Planned Economies. Westview Press, London 1990. (Editor with R.E.Quandt.) K některým možnostem optimalizace smlouvy a závazkových vztahů. Oeconomica, Praha 2005. ISBN 80-245-0916-4.
- Ekonomická analýza smluv, systémů a procesů. Oeconomica, Praha 2009. ISBN 978-80-245-1575-5
- Ekonomie v době reálného socialismu III: Ekonomický ústav ČSAV. Kapitola 3.7 v Doležalová, A. et al. Učíme ekonomii 90 let, 1. vydání. Praha: Wolters Kluwer ČR, 2011.284 s. ISBN 978-80-7357-641-7.
- Methods of Privatisation in Western, Central and Eastern Europe. In: Rudiger Frank and Sabine Burghart (eds.), Driving Forces of Socialist Transformation; North Korea and the Experience of Europe and East Asia. ISBN 978-3-7069-0569-5, str. 159 – 187, Praesens Verlag, Wien 2009.
- Česká republika na rozcestí. V. Klaus et all. Praha, Fragment, 2013. ISBN 978-80-253-2023-5.
- Institutional Change of the Czech Republi. In: Helsinki process … Lessons for Korean Peninsula? (ed. Alexandr Vondra), Cevro Institute Academic Press, Prague, ISBN 978-80-87125-31-1.
Selected Academic Publications, Forthcoming:
- Legal Scholarship, Operations Research and Economics as the Key Analytical Foundations of Human Behavior. Wolters Kluwer, March 2017.
Selected Academic Publications, Articles:
- On Two Axioms of Decision Theory, Ekonomicko-matematický obzor, Praha 1983.
- Planning Authority and Its Marginal Rate of Substitution: Theorem Homo se assecurans, Ekonomicko-matematický obzor, Praha 1987. (With J. Hlaváček.)
- Consumer under Supply Constraint. European Journal of Political Economy 5 (1989), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
- Bargaining and Search in Imperfect Markets: A Centrally Planned Economy. In: Optimal Decisions in Markets and Planned Economies. Westview Press, London 1990.
- Directly Unproductive Profit Seeking Activities under Central Planning. Acta Polytechnica, 14 (IV, 1) 1990, str. 39 – 51. (With L. Pospíšil a M. Štěpánek.),.
- Čtyři přínosy právní nauky pro rozvoj ekonomického myšlení. Acta Oeconomica Pragensia, 2006, roč. 14, č. 2, s. 16–30. ISSN 0572-3043
- Economics and Its Approach to Causation. In: Causation in Law, Luboš Tichý (ed.) s. 41 – 52, Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Právnická fakulta, Praha 2007, ISBN 80-85889-93-2.
- Transformation and privatization: Voucher Privatization in Czechoslovakia. In: Privatization in Central and Eastern Europe. CEEPN, Ljubljana 1992.
- Post-privatization Securities Markets. In: Proceedings from the O.E.C.D. annual meeting of the working group on privatisation. Paris, France, March 2 – 4, 1994.
- Post-privatization Ownership Restructuring and Competition. Proceedings of the General Meeting of the Mont Pelerin Society, Vienna, September 1996.
- Privatization, Ownership, Restructuring and Competition: A Case of the Czech Republic. Challenges and Opportunities for the Economic Transition in Yugoslavia. USAID, Economic Institute Belgrade and Chesapeake Associates. (Goran Pitić (ed.)), Belgrade 1998.
- Czech transformation strategy and its international reception. In: Workshop on Economic Reform and the Development of Economic Relations between the EU and the DPRK, Pyongyang, 31st August – 4th September 2004, Final Report, Friedrich Neumann Stiftung: Seoul, Republic of Korea
- Redefining the Role of the State: public planning and management tools. In: Workshop on Economic Reform and the Development of Economic Relations between the EU and the DPRK, Pyongyang, October, 12-14, 2005, Final Report, Friedrich Naumann Stiftung: Seoul, Republic of Korea
- Polemika se Svetozarem Pejovichem o transformační, tedy neklasické privatizaci. Politická ekonomie, 2006, roč. LIV, č. 3, s. 291–306, ISSN 0032-3233. (Spoluautor V. Klaus.) Viz též Polemika o transformační privatizaci, In: Patnáct let od obnovení kapitalismu v naší zemi. Sborník textů č. 47/2006, ISBN 80-86547-52-3, s. 73 – 96. CEP, Praha 2006.
- “A Polemic with Svetozar Pejovich on the Transformational, i.e. Non classical Privatization”, in: Politická ekonomie, 2006, vol. LIV, No. 3, pp. 291–306; The English abstract may be accessed on