Dr. Gregor Berz u.a.: EEG-Ausschreibungen als strategische Aufgabe

About the content (only available in German):
Julius Ecke, Nicolai Herrmann (both enervis energy advisors GmbH) und Gregor Berz: EEG-Ausschreibungen als strategische Aufgabe in the October 2015- issue of Fachzeitschrift Energiewirtschaftliche Tagesfragen „et“.

From 2017, access to EEG-support in the wind sector will only be possible through successful participation in a tender. This presents the wind industry with new strategic tasks. The development of cost-efficient projects alone will not suffice. What will be relevant for success will rather be the extent to which the market players succeed in understanding and mastering the game theoretical and energy management requirements of the tender.

Information about den author Dr. Gregor Berz you find here…>.