Prof. Dr. Manfred J. Holler
Scientific Board
University of Hamburg
Von-Melle-Park 5
D-20146 Hamburg
Telefax: +49(0)89-9294109
E-Mail: Manfred.Holler [at], Manfred.Holler [at]
Active Member of
- Center of Conflict Resolution (CCR)
- Institute of SocioEconomics (ISE)
- Public Choice Research Centre, University of Turku (PCRC)
Focus of Research:
- Game Theory and Decision Theory
- Social Choice Theory
- Public Choice
- Industrial Organization
- Economics of Culture and Arts
- Law & Economics
- General Microeconomics
- Editor-in-Chief of quarterly journal „Homo Oeconomicus“ (Springer-Verlag)
- Editor of Munich Social Science Review (MSSR)
- Co-editor of German-Greek Yearbook of Political Economy
- Co-editor of Finnish-German Yearbook of Political Economy
Books on Game Theory and Bargaining Theory:
- Holler, Manfred J. and Hannu Nurmi (2013), Voting, Power, and Voting Power: 30 Years After, Springer-Verlag, 762 pages
- Holler, Manfred J. and Gerhard Illing (2009), Einführung in die Spieltheorie (7. Auflage), Heidelberg et al.: Springer-Verlag.
- Holler, Manfred J., Martin Leroch and Nicola Maaser (2008), Spieltheorie Lite, Munich: Accedo-Verlag.
- Holler, Manfred J. and Barbara Klose-Ullmann (2007), Spieltheorie für Manager. Handbuch für Strategen (2. Aufl.), Munich: Vahlen.
- Holler, Manfred J. (Hrsg.) (1995), Ein halbes Jahrhundert Spieltheorie (Homo Oeconomicus XII(1/2)), Munich: Accedo-Verlag.
- Holler, Manfred J. (1992), Ökonomische Theorie der Verhandlungen. Eine Einführung, 3rd edition, Munich: Oldenbourg Verlag.